Yeah after a long hiatus I decided to once again try my hand on some Book Sketching (Read last months posts for info). Today's Book Sketching comes from a favorite artist of mine.

Legion of Superheroes #40, Francis Manapul, Jim Shooter & Livesay.
The Shooter/Manapul run on Legion of Superheroes was my 'official' dive into DC Comic. 'Official as in that I never bought a DC Comic on purpose or that I never bough an entire run of an artist or writers work they have done for that series. What I liked about the run was that for a newbie such as myself, is that they didn't try to inform readers on what happened on the issues before hand, but started a new storyline with new members on board.
I also loved Manapul's portray of the Legion. Each with a different
personality, and physiological appearance to them that was refreshing and almost human
. In
the page I chose
showed Lightening Lad annoyed by the demands of being the new leader of the Legion putting his foot down after a series of unfortunate events culminating together. The interaction between Timber Wolf and LL is intriguing because Manapul draws two different character, with the same emotion, but drawing them completely different.
Most times an artist would use the same emotion like a copy & paste function on Microsoft Word, but Manapul treats every character differently that you can really feel as if you know what their feeling & thinking.
This is what I was trying to go for in my Book Sketching for today.
Well that took long! Tune in next time as I really want to tackle more frustrating (The lighting from panel one, Timber Wolf's close up on the last panel, and don't get me started on trying to get the detail on that birds eye on panel two), yet more complex samples form the Legion for future Book Sketching's to come! XD;;
Later! [^^]