October Promise - 12 SPRING BLIZZARD

Cool, Calm and Cocky. The eldest brother of three, Sebastion Springdale is a celebrity on his home world for being the hero in the war against the aggressive Clipporian Army. Just like his father, Sebastian leads a special disivion of Spring Military Forces to combat the threat including his rival, The Master Clipper.
At home, Sammy resents his older brother and the praise he gets for his military efforts, especially from his father, Simon who would use this as a way to put down his younger son. Sebastian knows how hard it is for Sammy to compete for their father's acceptance and wishes that his father would understand that Sammy is his own person and not to live in the legacy of the past as well for Sammy and himself to have a peaceful brother to brother relationship.
As Snow Blizzard, Sebastian uses the power of ice and snow as well to generate a high blasting blizzard attack towards his enemy's...
Later! [^^]
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