October Promise - 02 ZERO LO KI

Sammy Springdale met Zadam Ryder they were both four years old on his first day Elementary School. Zadam was reading a large book which perplexed the young Springdale as everyone else was either playing tag or eating sand.
"Wanna play tag?"
"Why not?"
"Cause I'm almost done..."
Zadam was reading the Dictionary, and the next day he would tell anyone he knew all the words and meanings from that dictionary to which he was teased, ridiculed and picked on by every kid he talked to, but when he talked to Sammy, he listened because no one else talked to Sammy except for Zadam. After that faithful encounter they became the best of friends. Even if Sammy STILL has no idea what Zadam is saying.
Zadam Ryder lived with his Grandparents as his biological parents whereabouts are unknown. A true geek Zadam loves to know how things work. At age seven he disassemble his Grandpa's TV set to see what's inside, then put it back together, with clearer picture and sound. In short, Zadam is a young genius. So it was no surprise when he volunteered to accompany Sammy to Earth in search for Clipper because in a new world they are new things to explore and study on Earth.
While Zadam is a genius when it comes to electronics and mathematical equations, he is an idiot when it comes to human interaction, especially when it comes to girls. So imagine how Sammy tries to understand his friends crush with Cassandra Alexis...
Later! [^^]
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