October Promise - 11 THE CLIPPER

Chester Clipp was an bright young Clipptorian who became a low grade thug, who had big dreams, but never had the tool or the muscle to achieve them. A numerous offender Chester has been in and out of juvie since he was 13 years old, most of theses arrests coming from Sebastian Springdale (Sammy's older brother).
Chester later joined the Clipptorian Army. A terrorist organization who harbors a grudge against the Spring Government's handling to the Clipptorian race. Chester tried to climb the ladder within the ranks of the organization. Suggesting attack plans and battle stragories to as high as the leader himself, who was the original Clipper who went under the name 'Master Clipper' Alas Chester was ignored and flat out ridiculed by everyone including 'The 'Master Clipper' to which angered Chester.
During the battle between the Clipptorian Army and the Spring Military Forces, Sebastian was in battle against The 'Master Clipper. With the unexpected help from his younger brother Sammy, The Clipper was wounded by Sebastian but not until Chester used one of the Clipper claws to attack Sammy, but Sebastian shoved Sammy out of harms way, taking the brunt of the attack, putting him in coma and on life support.
With his new power at hand and an entire army to his disposal. Chester Clipp became The New and current 'Clipper' as well as Springman's "Neverending Nemesis!"
Later! [^^]
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