October Promise - 25 TORNADO GIRL

Wendy Windstrum was a famous socialite before her parents lost their fortune in stocks. Embrassed she ran away not wanting to feel the upcoming criticism from her peers and the media. A few months later she Darren as he entered the cafe at the time she was working in, smitten by his looks Wendy was too busy flirting to realize what Darren was trying to tell her. Either way, she'll soon come to terms with her forthcoming destiny and to regain her once strong social status. An Added bonus.
Toronado Girl's powers is the elements of the wind. She can fly by maintaining a strong up draft making her soar in the air with ease. She can also malnipulate the air around her to attack as well defend. Her finishing move is the Twisting Charge. A large Tornado that charges then swipes up her foes in the air before dropping them on the ground below...
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