October Promise - 24 ROCKY CANYON

Roderick Stone is the computer hacker and engineer and all around tech guy for the Level Threat High team, but by first appearance you would never believe it!
"Rodney" (which his friends call him) acts as a total goof ball, but deep down he's a closet nerd. He hides this since he was picked on at school on a daily basis. His only friend, Franchesia knows the true Roderick, but plays along his charade just for him. Roderick also has a crush on Wendy (Tornado Girl) but she doesn't reciprocate the same feelings.
As Rocky Canyon he controls the earth around him. All types of minerals (rocks, marble, sand and even gravel) are at his command as he can form and shape to attack and defend against his enemy's. Rocky's finishing blow is called the Rockslide. A massive collection of earth that rises high above his foe, then come crashing down then charge towards the enemy...
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