Saturday August 4th, 2007

My sister and myself were on our way to Carabana (Canada's Carabien festival) as we both work for this Temp Angency handing out flyers and other stuff like that. We were suposed to met up with an aquantance of my sisters at Heart Late Terminal, but our bus arrived before She and her sister could met up with us. I told Alicia that the next bus was in thirty minutes and there is no way that I am waiting thirty minutes for a bus in this heat, as well as the chance that we will be late for our appointment. So my sister told them to met us at the Downtown Brampton terminal.
As our bus (#2) made it's way to the intersection of Sandlewood Parkway and Conestoga Road, we say the two girls we were suposed to met up get off thier bus (#3) to met up with the bus we were on. My sister told me to pull the string, or I just did without her telling me not to sure about that. As I turned towards my sister, my left eye glimpsed someon falling to which I said, "Wowe, that's a preety nasty fall.
Then I read screaming. Me and my sister quickly got off the bus.
... The girls older sister was hit by a car.
It was an scary scene, nothing I have ever seen in my life. There was her bag and shoe five feet from her right, and her other shoe 20 feet from her left. The youngest sister was hysterical, clutching her oldest in her arms as I told my sister to call 911 before we reached.
We end up not going to Carabana, but rather to the Emerengcy Room as My sister, the girls youngest sister, her father, aunt and a few other selective family and friends gathered around the oldest sister, still concious, but with no memory as to what transpired.
Today, she is alright. Unforunetly she as broked her femur bone and will need a plate screwed in, she'll be kept at the Hospitial for at least a week to monitor her progress.
Just like my last entry ever rang true. We DO take life for granted WAY to much.
Thank God she's still alive.
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