Monday Seven (Pslams are Sweaty)

Monady sucks!
There are so much rules of the road that you need to learn, it's almost unbearable to even bother at times. It's like you lose no matter what?
Take my driving classes. The first two days my major fault was that I do not lean in father enough while making a right turn at the stop light (That and I grip my hand to tightly on the wheel). Today, I basicaly felt like I nkew and learned nothing.
Then I got a letter in the mail form the Workplace insuance board, with forms to right about my hand injury while I was working last week Friday and I was NOT In the mood to write down ANYTHING in this hot weather! ;__;
Well if there was one saving grace, it's that I did watch Eureka Seven online today and since it was an "LOL" episode for me, it made my day much better in the end.
Well I'm out, Another day, Another May!
Later! [^^]
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