Gravitational PULL! 22 - COUNT NIKO VAPORUS

Name: Nikolas Vaporuso
Alias: The Modern-Day Count, Niko Vaporus, Experiment #013,
Age: Late teens, early twenties
Occupation: Rival, Solider for the Scientist 5
Height: 6,4
Weight: 229 lbs
Nikolas Vaporuso came from Europe to live the Western life, but through a series of misfortunes he was left homeless and penniless. With too much pride to return to his native home he unwillingly signed up at a research facility. What he through he would be aiding along scientific research, Nikolas became the research and during the experimentation his cell structure was damaged.
In order to save their selves (and Nikolas) the "Scientist 5" used a copy of the Gravitational project to fix his cell structure, but since the original works were either destroyed or still beyond their grasp, the used the opportunity to use Nikolas to retreive the original.
Now Nikolas Vaporuso soars through the air like a Vampire in a overrated teen drama. Feasting on the high energy and dreams on young girls, The Modern-day Count, Niko Vaporus searched for the Gravitational PULL! While leaving a trail victims along the way.
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