Gravitational PULL! 08 - MELISSA POLARIS

Name: Melissa Polaris
Alias: Dr. Polaris
Age: 26
Occupation: Research Analyst, Mechanic
Height: 5,8 1/2
Weight: 120lbs
Dr. Melissa Polaris was one of the researchers on the "Gravitational" project. She has always questioned the methods, but was reassured that it was for the best on intentions, but when it was relieved that it was not the case she soon left to secretly help the outlawed Gravi and to but an end to the project once and for all.
Donovan (Wildfire) stands by her side as a bodyguard & watcher for Gravi, but his own intentions still remains unknown.
I know that there are no other updated posted for days. They are on auto draft. They are 90% finished, but the images are not scanned or the bio needs some tweaking. Also my sister was over for the past two weeks with her son which has taken most of my time! ^^
I will post the other days tomorrow.
Later! [^^]
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